
Thursday, May 20, 2004

Report: Day 71 

Yesterday I saw more of the world. Specifically this involved taking my morning bus a stop beyond my destination and hoofing it back to work so that I could see all the things I normally miss.

My bus ride is into an urban area where bus stops are closer together than out in the suburbs where I originate so a single stop beyond my regular stop is two blocks from work and in the middle of an area I see every day. So I decided to take the bus to it's terminal stop, which is about a half mile from the law school.

On my way into work I walked past the other law school in down town Newark and I marveled at the sleek glass exterior of their ediface. I noted a cute sandwich shop that I want to try for lunch sometime. I counted fifteen homeless folks sleeping on the sidewalk along the way. Mostly though it was just a longer walk.

Maybe I should have tried it on the way home instead.

Today is closure day.

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